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Did You Receive a Bouquet of Roses? Here’s How To Take Care of It

Taking delivery of a bouquet of fresh red roses is always an instant mood enhancer. Whether you placed the order or got a pleasant surprise from that special someone, the scent of vibrant flowers will mesmerize your senses. 

Besides signifying love and romance, red roses add warmth and elegance to your space. They’re also widely appreciated for their therapeutic benefits and aesthetics.

Like every other good thing in our lives, we’d want our rose bouquets to last forever. Unfortunately, however, experience shows that roses typically last between 5-7 days. But the good news is that it can also stay fresh for up to 2 weeks if you give them the TLC they deserve.

This leads us to the all-important question: what can you do to ensure your red roses last as long as they can? Find the answers you’ve been searching for below.

6 Tips To Make Your Roses Last Longer 

Do you want to get the most out of your enchanting red roses and keep them alive for as long as they can be? Then, ensure that you take these steps immediately after receiving your precious flowers:

  • Ensure That They’re Warm 

Generally, floral bags do a great job of maintaining the freshness of your roses from the florist’s shop to your home. However, since it’s only meant to protect them in the short term, ensure that you don’t leave your flowers in the bag or outside your home for extended periods. Doing so may create a humid environment that causes them to deteriorate fast, especially when the temperature is below 33 degrees. As such, it’s important to remove the flowers from the bag soon after you receive them and follow the instructions below immediately.

  • Give the Stems a Clean Cut 

After unwrapping your bouquet, the next thing to do is give them a nice trim. This is easy—simply cut an inch of the stems’ ends at a 45° angle using a pair of clean scissors. If there are wilted outer petals, be sure to peel them off gently and remove leaves that may be submerged in the water when you place them in a vase. Doing these will improve your flower’s water absorption, keeping it fresher for longer. 

  • Ensure That Your Vase Is Clean

Always ensure that the vase you use for your roses are the cleanest they can be. Dirty vases may carry bacteria and residue that can contaminate your flowers and make them die faster. While there are many effective cleaning methods available, we advise that you use liquid dish soap and a little bleach to guarantee that your vase is free of germs.

  • Place Them in Fresh Water Immediately After Trimming 

Now it’s time to give your roses the most important nourishment they need to maintain their vibrance and freshness — water. As always, ensure that you only use fresh and clean water to avoid contamination. You’ll also need to change the water regularly, say, every 2 to 3 days for the same reason. Generally, your roses shouldn’t be made to take in water that you wouldn’t drink.

  • Use the Right Quantity of Water and Plant Food 

More than just giving your roses water, the quantity of moisture they receive matters a great deal. Usually, this will depend on the recommended mixing ratios of the floral food packets at your disposal. Mixing your water and plant food as required ensures that your roses get the best hydration/nutrient balance they need to thrive.

  • Keep Your Roses Away From Direct Sunlight 

Finally, protect your flowers from extreme temperatures, especially direct sunlight. The same rule applies to other light or heat sources in your home like heaters and extreme drafts. This helps to prevent dehydration and ensure that they don’t wither too quickly.

If you have any more questions on how to improve the overall health of your roses, always ask your florist for advice. They should be happy to provide the assistance you need.

Enjoy the Best of Red Roses by Leveraging eFloristApp Services 

While you should be intentional about caring for your red roses, a lot depends on the initial condition of your flowers. Poor standard roses will generally deteriorate faster than premium blossoms, regardless of how well you maintain them. So, to be sure that you’re getting the best roses nature can offer, you should only patronize reputable florists like eFloristApp Services.

At eFloristApp, our primary goal is to ensure that our customers enjoy the choicest flowers as conveniently as possible. Contact us immediately for more information about our easy, fast, and affordable flower delivery services.